New Trackside3D Shop is LIVE!
John Buswell
New Trackside3D Shop is LIVE!
We are very pleased to announce that the new Trackside3D shop is now live. The Trackside3D team has been working hard behind the scenes to bring the new site on-line. You may have already seen the new oorail.co.uk site which was launched last month, and now we have the updated Trackside3D site on-line. Over the coming days and weeks ahead, we will be adding more innovative products, more articles and more video content.
The new site has a lot of new features but I wanted to highlight some of the things, I hope you will find useful.
New Products
For today's soft launch, we have added several new products from the back to back gauge, to Royal Mail delivery trucks to the 1950s Southern Region Third Rail Substation. We have updated all of our products to include the 3D view and new images. Over the coming weeks we will be adding videos and more media (such as photos of the finished products on our layout). So check back for those! We anticipate adding at least a couple of new products each day over the next few weeks.
3D Views with glTF
We are very pleased to announce that all of our products feature a 3D view which you can examine on your tablet, phone or computer. Simply click on the 3D view and you can move the model around to examine it. All of the models were created by exporting our actual 3D printed models to glTF format. So the model you can examine is the same one that you would be 3D printing.
No 3D Printer - No Problem
Don't have a 3D printer but still want our models? We have a solution for that. We have updated the licensing so that you can use third party print services such as MeltWerk and we have also made testing with MeltWerk part of our release process. We are also expanding our Shapeways shop a few products a day, and we should have all of our products available via Shapeways by early-mid June 2020. Owning a 3D printer is still the most affordable way to produce our models but we understand that 3D printing might not be everyones cup of tea!
Browse by Category
One of the neatest features on the new site is browse by category and Era. This allows you to pick a product category you are interested in, then drill down to just a specific era and if you want specific product types.
For example, lets say you are looking for a ballast bin for your 1950s era layout. You would simply select "Lineside Accessories" from the product category drop box, then select "1948 - 1956 Early British Railways" from the ERA drop box and then select "Ballast Bin" from the third box, and search.
Maybe you want to see all of the "Lineside Accessories" products suitable for your 1970s British Rail layout? Simply select "Lineside Accessories", then select "1971-1986 British Rail (TOPS)", then skip the third drop box and hit search.
As our product lines grow, we are expecting this to be a great way for our customers to find exactly what they are looking for their layour or easily browse the relevant products for their ERA.
Shop by Scene
Another new feature of the shop is our "Shop by Scene" menu option at the top of the page. This allows you to quickly jump to products associated with a particular scene. Looking for something for your railway station project? Just hover over "Shop by Scene" and then select "At the Station". Looking for a new detailing part for your depot? Just select "At the Depot". Now that we have the new shop up and running, we are adding lots of new products on a daily basis. These features will hopefully become invaluable to our customers over the coming months.
Shop by Era
Whether you are trying to decide when to set your layout, or you have a specific era already chosen for your layout. The shop by era section enables you to quickly browse all of the products suitable for a specific era. So if you're not quite sure what you are looking for, or not sure whats applicable to a specific era. The shop by era menu will quickly and easily let you explore what we have on offer. Remember to check back frequently as we're adding new products every day!
3D Printed Modeling Tools
We are very pleased to announce that we've finally added the 3D printable tools and accessories section. The Parts and Tools menu allows you to explore the tools, accessories and spare parts we have available to download and print. For our soft launch today - May 18th 2020, we have just added a few tools. The spares will get slowly added over the next couple of days. We hope you'll enjoy some of the tools though such as the body / tender opening tool and the 14.5mm back to back gauge!
Support Pages and FAQ
A completely reworked section of support pages are now available. We've leveraged some of the amazing content on YouTube dedicated to 3D printing to help you get started. We have also simplified the process by standardizing on a set of Trackside3D profiles based on material (PLA or PETG) and object size (small, medium or large). When working with special materials such as Wood PLA, you only need to tweak one or two settings from the standard profiles to get it to work. Every product on our site now has a Print Settings and Specifications tab where you can learn more about the product and how to print it using these standard settings.
We have added a pretty extensive FAQ, hopefully this will help inform folks a little more about the benefits of 3D Printing and where things are today.
Design Services, Contact Page and the 3D Printing Club
We have added new contact forms to make it easier for you to get in touch about products or services you would like to see. Our design services page is on the about menu and you can use this to request new products from us. Our contact page has been improved and will go straight to our team's mobile devices, so you should get a quick response from the Trackside3D team. Finally we have created exclusive content and special offers for those interested in our products. Simply drop in your email and click join at the bottom of any of our pages, and you'll get FREE membership to our 3D Printing Club. You will get a front row seat to the latest product announcements, exclusive offers, special discounts and much more...
Wait.. are Irish Railways coming to Trackside3D?
Yes. We are very pleased to announce that Trackside3D will be adding products related to CIE and Iarnroid Eireann over the next few months. Could this mean there is a Irish layout in the works at oorail? You will have to wait and see!
Take a look around
So take a look around, check out the new site and let us know what you think. If you find something that doesn't look quite right, please feel free to use the contact us page and we'll get it sorted out. Now our team is going to take a couple hours of much needed sleep before getting back to it..