
Our new site enables our customers to browse products based on the era they are modeling. We have a rapidly growing collection of products and as modellers we understand many modellers are looking for a specific era. This new feature on our site enables you to find products relevant to when you are modeling without having to know specific search critera.


Railways in Britain

Trackside3D and oorail are focused on British Railways, so naturally our default eras are those for the Railways in Britain. We have chosen to follow the industry standard era system that is relevant to our products. Our current product lines start with the Big Four or Grouping Era from 1923 until 1947, through British Railways, on to British Rail and into modern day railways in the UK. 


How to Navigate by Era

You can quickly and easily navigate the products by simply selecting the desired ear shown in the "By Era" option from our navigation menu. Clicking on the "By Era" shopping option, will list all of the available eras. Find the one you are modeling or interested in modelling, and you will see all of the products we offer for that era. Some of the eras may have fewer products than others, we are rapidly adding products, so if you don't see something, please use the contact page to reach out with your request.


After you select an era of interest, you will be taken to a product listing with all the products suitable for that era. You can use the filtering options on the side of the page to further refine your search.


How to Navigate by Category then Era

You can also navigate by category from our home page. Simply visit the home page and find the "What are you looking for" box. Select the product category from the drop down box on the left. Once you select a category, you can select the era you are interest in. Once you select the ERA, you can either search or further refine your search. For example, if you are looking for Point Machines for a British Rail 1972 layout, you would select Point Machines from the category, select 1971-1986 British Rail, and either search or further refine your choices.